Sunday, June 28

lesbians and the pro-choice movement a thought

I've been wondering about this for awhile and admit my argument could be flawed becuase I'm not currently inolved with pro-choice movement (except with my vote) and know very few women of college age. My theory is lesbian women are no longer as deeply involved in the pro-choice movement as they've moved their energy towards gay rights at an earlier age.

My logic is this, more and more I see young women declaring their sexuality in high school and at younger ages than it seems of lesbians in the past (generalization here not true for all). This stands to reason less and less lesbians live a hetero-experience first, perhaps less aware of the issues that hetero women face. Also more and more lesbian visibility has resulted in feminism and women studies discussing lesbian issues more and not assuming all women have the same issues (with a more global mindset as well). I also know that the history of feminist movements had alienated some lesbians by asking them not to step forward as the face of movements so as not to alienate the general public. This made lesbians move toward their own issues which allowed them to express their full selves.

Now the question is the pro-choice movement hurting from the lack of energy from lesbians who give thier time and money towards gay marriage and family rights? I'm not saying it is the job or that is a problem, just somethign I've wondered about. I'm sure their are a multi-tude of reasons but whatever the reason the pro-choice movement looks to be in trouble. Parental consent for abortion is now the law in more than have of states, there are many states where women must cross one or two state borders to get to a facility that performs abortions. The anti-choice movement seems to continue to be well funded, powerful and the killing of Dr's from their extremist arm continues to take choice rights away from women.

Maybe this is just from afar because at 41 my circle is more concerned with adoption rights, reproductive issues due to being older moms. Of course I do have teenage girls in my life who in california assume that they have abortion rights and will always have them.

1 comment:

The Sun Always Shines said...

I think in general, in the Bay Area bubble one thinks abortion rights are not something so desperately to fight for because it's there. Once you step away from that circle, by gosh that bubble bursts and quick. I meet plenty of feminists who give a lot of their time and money to pro-choice issues. I've met a few that have been threatened. The recent murder of that doctor killed in his own church certainly showed that we all forget that in certain parts of this country, there's a war continuing to simmer between the religious right and many sides of the left and right.