Monday, June 8

The 11 day Detox Diet - ignore if you hate diet talk

I know I actually abhor diet talk, it can be tedious and i'll try to be quick and insightful.

I did the Fast Track Detox diet with 5 of my co-workers. It consists of 11 days of no sugar, alcohol, caffeine, wheat, dairy.... basically you eat very lean proteins and loads of cruciferous veggies like cauliflour, celery and some fruits like berries. On day 8 you fast just drinking this watery juice concotion. So while I'd slit my wrist if I had to live like this forever I learned a few really great things.

1. The amazing benefits of flaxseed (oil or milled seeds), cranberries, cinnamen, nutmeg, ginger, garlic and whey. I will continue to use these regurarly in ways new to me or before never tried. I'll try to find a way (adding it to cereal or yogurt or on veggies) to use flaxseed daily. Try putting natural no sugar added cranberry juice in your water too.

2. Hunger passes. Although not the ideal really hunger does goes away. The fast day you'd be really hungry then it would pass and you wouldn't be hungry again for hours.

3. I don't need nearly as much caffeine as I thought. I didn't fall asleep at 2 or 3 from not having my usual diet coke. I've never had so little caffeine in my life and feel fine and awake.

4. Stress does not have to equal bad eating. When I'm really stressed I come home and am like let's order out and I need ice cream. Well the last week was very stressful at work and I didn't give in to bad eating so there are other options. (we walked the dogs and i did a lot of cooking and some yoga -dont tell anyone i don't want them to think i'm falling for their berkeley organic cotton ways).

5. I LOVE BREAD and CHEESE. Take away dessert and bring me a baguette! I'll never eat a fry again just let me have me some sharp cheddar with my apple.

So what happens now? The book actually suggests you stay on this forever with some modification (no freakin' way)! As my friend Braun says "People who don't eat carbs are loose cannons!"
  • What I will do is incorporate more good foods to replace bad. More fruit and veggies - less crap.
  • Pay attention to portions. Don't deny the craving but make it a taste or small part of a healthy meal.
  • Buy more organic produce and the really good organic eggs, she scared the bejesus out of me, organic it is.
  • Know that I have a lot of willpower! Not everyone could remain on the diet and I did! Go Deanna!!

For more details ask me and the book is The Fast Track Detox Diet it's $10 at B&N.

BTW - you can lose up to 14 lbs (i didn't weigh myself so don't know) and my skin looks really good.


elizabeth said...

thanks for posting this, and way to rock the will power. a friend of mine did something similar and her skin looked AMAZING.

Florence said...

Wow Deanna, what a great post! You've summed up my last 9 days or so--well almost. I'm dying for some 72% high end chocolate...mmm...thursday.

The Sun Always Shines said...

Now you know why prople must talk about their diets? It consumes them so much that they cannot talk about anything else. We all talk about diets in one way or another. It's as addictive as weight talk and Project Runway.

I am happy that you shared the highlights of what you learned and liked! Cranberry water is now part of my routine and I didn't have to read or follow the book!

Would you do it again?