Apparantly the recent reports of redheads going extinct is incorrect. Phew as a redhead it saddened me to consider the extinction of our kind.
Growing up so many of my heriones were redheads; Anne of Green Gables, Caddie Woodlawn, Pippi Longstocking, Nancy Drew (strawberry blonde)

They were always headstrong, independant, one of kind, headstrong and heartstrong. I remember as a kid thinking kids did not like redheads but old people sure did. My sister and I would get so many compliments from older folks, as if being a redhead was something special from a bygone era. I was too young then to understand the appeal of those actresses like Anne Margret and Rita Hayworth we wanted to be Oliva Newton John or one of Charlie's Angels. Of course kids would tease us about our red hair, carrot top, red rum, etc. but they'd also tease about other things and tease kids with glasses etc.

Sine I've been an adult I've twice been in situations twice were someone said something about not being attracted to redheads I've had far more of the opposite with people who seek redheads out. Of course for the last 20 years or so I've loved being a redhead and my brown haired mom and sister have over the years become redheads too.
Wilma Bubbles